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Each year the College offers a number of Visiting Fellowships to people who intend to engage in study and research in Oxford and are prepared to participate in the academic life of the College. Visiting Fellows are expected to be resident in Oxford in term time during the tenure of the Fellowship. A Visiting Fellow may be elected for a period of one, two, or three terms within the Oxford academic yearr.
The dates of term at Oxford for 2025–2026 are:
Michaelmas Term (from Sunday 12 October to Saturday 6 December, 2025)
Hilary Term (from Sunday 18 January to Saturday 14 March 2026)
Trinity Term (from Sunday 26 April to Saturday 20 June 2026)
The period of the Visiting Fellowship extends for an additional two weeks either side of each term, except for Michaelmas, which extends to three weeks prior. Residential accommodation in Oxford and office space in College are provided for Visiting Fellows during their tenure. For Visiting Fellows with school-age children it is usually possible to arrange an earlier arrival and later departure from their residential accommodation in order to harmonise with school terms. Visiting Fellows who are elected for more than one term may also be in residence during the vacation(s) between those terms.
The College receives many strong applications for Visiting Fellowships. Those in residence during the coming academic year are listed at fellows-2024-2025. The College is committed to promoting diversity, and particularly encourages applications from women, black and minority ethnic candidates, and others with a protected characteristic who are currently under-represented in the academic
community at Oxford. We particularly welcome international applicants, and in the last half-century have hosted many Visiting Fellows from around the world.
The College usually aims to accommodate nine or ten Visiting Fellows in each term.
What the Fellowship Offers
Visiting Fellows enjoy nearly all the privileges of ordinary Fellows, including lunches and dinners without charge. The College provides without charge a study in College and fullyfurnished residential accommodation in flats we own in Oxford. The residences are large enough to accommodate a partner, and accommodation suitable for Visiting Fellows accompanied by very young or school-age children normally can be provided. Details of childcare provision and schooling in Oxford can be found at
There is no salary attached to Visiting Fellowships and Visiting Fellows are expected to meet their own visa and medical insurance costs. However, in exceptional circumstances the。
College may offer limited financial help. Any candidate desiring to take advantage of this provision should indicate so in the ‘Financial Subvention’ section of the online application.
EligibilityMost Visiting Fellows hold university posts, but the College also welcomes applications from others who wish to carry out scholarly work in Oxford, including those in public life (e.g. in law, public policy, journalism, or the arts). There is no limitation upon the field of study.
Visiting Fellowships are not normally offered to academic candidates who will have
reached the retiring age for academic fellows of the College – i.e. who are 69 before 1 October
2025, other than in exceptional circumstances. However, candidates from public life whose prior responsibilities precluded the possibility of applying may be eligible provided they apply to take up a Visiting Fellowship within a year of leaving public life. There is no lower age limit, but Visiting Fellowships are not normally offered to candidates with doctorates awarded in the last seven years other than in exceptional circumstances. The College does not offer Visiting Fellowships to persons holding posts in Oxford or who are already
resident in or near Oxford.
Selection Procedures The College chooses every year from among a very large number of well-qualified
applicants, in widely varied fields of study. In making our ion, we give weight to intellectual quality, to the interest and feasibility of the research project, and to the benefit of carrying it out in Oxford. We also aim to a good disciplinary mix of Visiting Fellows. We therefore ask applicants to include with their application a full statement, of not more than 1,000 words, of the scholarly project they would pursue during their tenure of a Visiting Fellowship, and of the benefit of carrying it out in Oxford.
Equal Opportunities MonitoringIn order to enable the College to monitor the effectiveness of its equality policy and procedures, all candidates are invited to complete the confidential recruitment monitoring form, which is processed entirely separately from the applications and plays no part in the ion process. How to Apply Only applications made through the online CASC application system will be accepted –see the link on Applications must be submitted by 4pm (UK time), Monday, 2 September 2024 The automated system will contact the applicant’s two referees once the application has been submitted, and allow referees to view the applicant’s CV, research proposal and list of publications. References
must be received by 4pm (UK time), on Monday, 16 September 2024.
Applicants will need to upload:
• an up-to-date curriculum vitae
• a list of publications
• a research proposal (up to 1,000 words) and
• if you are seeking a financial subvention, a letter of explanation.
All files should be in PDF format.
All inquiries about the application process and submitted applications should be made to Candidates may expect to hear the outcome of their
application by the end of November 2024.